Budget Planning Information

 Town Hearing May 28, 2024 regarding the 2024-25 Budget is this evening, 7:00 PM in the BMS Auditorium.   

Video Link:  
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/rhw-uvbe-goj
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 347-754-4754‬ PIN: ‪714 080 627‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/rhw-uvbe-goj?pin=9357511815432

   Brooklyn Public Schools' Budget Information  (link here)Kid Wearing Cap.png

Fiscal Year 2024-25 Board of Education Budget Process has begun! 

BOE Approved Estimate of Expenditures 3/27/2024

Budget Planning Information
Budget Workshop Schedule and Link January 3, 2024 5:30-7:30 Budget Workshop
January 24, 2024 5:30-6:30 Budget Workshop
February 28, 2024 5:30-6:30 Budget Workshop (CANCELLED)
March 27, 2024 5:30-6:30 Budget Workshop
April 24, 2024 5:30-6:30 Budget Workshop (Cancelled)
We welcome questions and comments from the public.
Budget Questions and Answers: You can submit written to our email: [email protected]
Questions/Answers and budget documents will be posted to the Brooklyn Public Schools website, right here.

Budget Documents: 1. Administrators Presentation Brooklyn Budget FY 2025


FY24 BOE Approved Budget