
Michele Raynor
Superintendent of Schools

Patricia L. Buell

 Superintendent of Schools

 Please be sure your contact information is updated:

1.  Keep your contact information updated in PowerSchool

2.  Update how you want to be contacted through SchoolMessenger
school messenger QR Code

 Happy New Year!

welcome back 2023-24

May 2023
Dear Families and Staff,

We have reached the middle of May and another year has seemed to fly by!  I hope that you and your children have had a wonderful school year.  As we get ready for summer, I would like to encourage you to find ways to keep your children engaged in reading and learning!  That could be through hikes, talks, books, and other adventures!  They will teach you as well as you teach them!  

Summer is a great time to take an adventure in a book with your family.  You can read and discuss the story.  You might have your children explore science, technology or cooking!  Whatever it is, cherish this time and enjoy making memories!  

The Brooklyn Public Schools is part of the Northeast Early Childhood Council and we are proud to share the new area Resource Guide!  If you want to learn more about the area, you can do that by accessing the resource guide.  

Resource Guide
Resource Guide QR Code

I want to close by wishing each of you a wonderful end to the school year!  It is my honor and pleasure to serve the students, families, staff, and community of Brooklyn!  This is an amazing district and I am proud to be a part of it.  Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need to share information or ask any questions.  I can be reached at 860-774-9732 or [email protected].

Sincerely,  Patricia L. Buell, Superintendent 

Standard Response Protocol: 
What would it look like if there was an emergency at the Brooklyn Public Schools and parents and students needed to reunify in a location other than the Brooklyn Public Schools?

The Brooklyn Public Schools Safety Committees and School Administrators have been developing plans based on training from experts.  

**We want you to know that WE HAVE A PLAN!  We hope that we will never need to use it, but if we do, we have prepared and will make it as smooth as possible.**

The following presentation was shared at a parent information session.  
Reunification Info for Parent Session.pdf
There are many resources but most importantly we ask that you:
1.  Keep your contact information updated in PowerSchool

2.  Update how you want to be contacted through SchoolMessenger

If you need additional information, please ask!

Budget information can be found on the
Board of Education Page.

We try to keep you updated through Facebook!

Facebook Logo

Please visit

Students K-8 attend the Brooklyn Public Schools!  Students in Grades 9-12 attend one of our two designated high schools, Woodstock Academy or Killingly Public Schools. 
I use our Facebook page to share observations and celebrations!  There is so much to celebrate and so many students, staff and community members to thank and highlight!  I hope that you take the time to look at the FB Page!  If you have something that you think should be highlighted, please let me know!  

If you are looking for "announcements" they can be found on the announcements tab.  This tab will include school cancellations or delays as well as the budget documents that are currently in progress.

Please feel free to send me emails if you have questions, concerns or compliments!   You can also call me at (860) 774-9732 extension 1.  

If you are a parent or community member who has not visited
Brooklyn Public Schools, CT Facebook page See the source image
yet please do!  or don't know a lot about the Brooklyn Public Schools, you have a treat in store!  There are many wonderful things about the Brooklyn Public Schools. If you are a parent of a young child who will be coming to school soon, congratulations, this is a wonderful community and school district. It is my pleasure to serve the students, staff and families of Brooklyn.


Patricia L. Buell


buell cropped photo